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Bathroom Singers Level One Workshop

Bathroom Singers Level One Workshop

23rd April,2017-23rd April,2017
09:30 am-02:30 pm

Sa Studio


About the Event?

Record a song in a studio final-03What is the workshop all about? 'From Mug to Mike' primer workshop is an introduction to professional singing. You will be introduced to:
  • The most important qualities that a professional singer should develop
  • Tips and tricks of professional singing
  • Misconceptions and myths about singing
  • Problems that singers generally face while singing
  • How to get over stage fright?
  • Recording in a studio - techniques
What are the prerequisites? On a lighter note, the ONLY prerequisite is that you should have sung at least once in the bathroom!This workshop is for anybody who loves to sing. Is there an age limit? No, there is no age limit. We have had participants ranging from 5 to 83! Chuck the Mug, Grab the Mike! You will get to record one full song of your choice (without music) in the high end studio. You will also be taught few voice exercises to improve your singing and voice. What Preparations do I need? 1) Please come prepared to record a song of your choice (any language) without music. This is to understand your voice better. 2) Carry the lyrics of the song you wish to record, if required 3) A note book and a pen to make notes How Do I sound when I Sing? Your recording along with a very detailed analysis of your voice and singing, highlighting your strengths and identifying the areas for improvement will be emailed to you after the workshop. Will other participants hear me while I record my song? No, each participant gets to record in private. What happens after the workshop? A detailed analysis of your voice mentioning your strengths and improvement areas, along with the song you recorded will be emailed to you. All who have completed Level 1 are eligible to attend Level 2; there is no screening/elimination. Level 2  workshop will focus on working on your improvement areas, voice culture techniques and you will get to record one song of your choice with karaoke. More singing, More fun! Payment Details: https://www.eventshigh.com/detail/Bangalore/2431f2e2ad2ed27c6c19f7bf2cf8fdc6 Email : FromMugToMike@gmail.com Call: 7899262262

Venue Map

Sa Studio
